Sunday, April 1, 2012

Total Recall Remake

Are they doing this? Is this really happening? You know, the trailer looks great. It's got some of my favorite actors in it (Jessica Beil, John Cho), the special effects look outstanding, it's got an even more dystopian flavor, and, just from this trailer, I see that there are a lot of cyberpunk themes in there too. (Pay attention, Steven Spielberg, because if you screw up Ghost in The Shell, so help me God, I will find you...)

But FUCK YOU Hollywood! There is nothing wrong with Total Recall! Arnold pulled that Christmas tree light out of his nose and there was a chick with a third breast made out of Papier-mâché and it was perfect!

You know what? It looks like it's gonna be good, so you know what I'm gonna do? You know what I'm gonna do, Hollywood? I'M GONNA DOWNLOAD IT! I'M GONNA WATCH IT FOR FREE AT A FRIEND'S HOUSE! I'M GONNA WAIT 'TILL IT COMES OUT ON TELEVISION!

Did that writer's strike really screw you so badly that you can't write a new movie? Not one?

Suck my balls, Hollywood. And while you're at it, suck Arnold's too.

Looks like a sweet movie, though. It's gonna be pretty good.