Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Toddler killed at Mumbai Train Station - An Open Letter to The BBC


(an open letter)


Approximately seven days ago, very disturbing footage has emerged on various social networks depicting the tragic death of a toddler - a girl who appeared between two and four years of age.

Tragically, this girl was run over by the train.

It is not clear what happened to the child, although I think it's safe to assume she did not survive.

I understand that there are many orphans who call this train-station home, and that these types of tragedies are commonplace in that part of the world, but i feel that if the BBC brings this issue to light, then perhaps there is a chance that some sort of change will come about - maybe change that could prevent these kinds of things from happening again.

Ever since I've seen the footage, I cannot get the idea of this frightened child - a baby, really - out of my mind. How did she end up there? Was she playing around near the tracks? Did she venture down there with a hungry stomach to retrieve some food? Did she see some sort of rubbish that looked appealing to her (A brightly colored candy wrapper, for instance, could be enticing to a homeless toddler with no play things of her own). What was going through her head when she found herself under the train? Was she frightened, did she think she was going to die? Was she thinking of her mother? Did she have a mother to think of? Was she really an orphan, or were her parents among the terrified on lookers frantically calling to the child?

The bottom line is, this child met a tragic and wholly preventable end - and unless any drastic change occurs, more innocent children will parish this way.

As one of, if not the only, remaining trusted news sources in the world, I believe that the BBC has the privilege and requirement of bringing these types of events into the mainstream conversation - not for sensationalism, but so that these things are not swept under the rug, but brought into the open. Public discussion may be the first step towards preventing future tragedies like this one.

That child - who's name I don't even know - is in my thoughts and prayers.


Tony F. Scardina

P.S. I have not included a link to this video because it is so disturbing. However, searching for "baby killed in Mumbai train station" on any video sharing website (I suggest LiveLeak which had the video as of yesterday) will provide you with the shocking footage and audio. To any one who watches: brace yourself.

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